When the penis is in an excited state, a small amount of fluid is secreted from the urethra. This is a normal phenomenon inherent in almost all healthy men. With the development of disease, the consistency and volume of the lubricant changes. There is an unpleasant odor, pain, or burning sensation when urinating or when having an erection. Such a clinical picture requires special attention of a person, since there is a threat to health.
Excretion during arousal in men is known as pre-ejaculation. It protrudes from the urethral opening when he's excited. The prepuce is secreted by the anal glands and the Littre glands, which are located throughout the duct, from the external foramen to the bladder neck.
The distribution during arousal in men performs the following functions:
- provides free movement of semen through the urethra;
- kill the bacteria;
- Moisturizes and prevents the acidic environment in the urethra.
The anterior membrane is also capable of acting as a lubricant during intercourse, but in most cases the allotted amount will not be enough for this. Pre-ejaculation is one of the components of semen. It enters the semen during ejaculation, mixes with the seeds, allowing you to protect the sperm from the acidic environment of a woman's vagina.

In the photo above, healthy secretions in men when stimulated.

The volume of ejaculation directly depends on the level of arousal of the guy. Maximum concentration is achieved with strong sexual desire. The normal amount of liquid is 5 ml.
Some representatives of the male are physiologically unable to secrete lubricants. The absence of a striker during an erection reduces the chances of conception.
A healthy pre-ejaculator has the following characteristics:
- lack of smell;
- plainness;
- viscosity;
- lack of lumps or impurities;
- cause no discomfort or pain.
The ready-made granules perform cleaning functions, so its consistency may vary. A man may observe the clumping of the lubricant during repeated sex, lack of hygiene, or before ejaculation. She will be back to normal in 1-2 days. Otherwise, the development of a pathogenic process should be suspected.

Pathological mucus in men differs from a healthy body in color, odor and consistency. They are almost always accompanied by discomfort.
Symptoms indicating lubricant deviation from the standard:
- the appearance of fluid from the urethra during the day;
- the appearance of an unpleasant smell;
- pain when urinating;
- the formation of an excessive amount of mucus;
- voluntarily secrete lubricant without sexual stimulation;
- the presence of including third parties;
- change the consistency to too thick or liquid.
These signs are characteristic of pathological processes that indicate the development of the disease.
Unhealthy discharge in men is divided into categories:
Type | Description |
Spermatorrhoea | Voluntary discharge of semen before orgasm. The cause of this process is a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the vas deferens. Pathology that develops due to chronic inflammation |
Increased blood secretion | Isolation of lubricants from blood impurities. Appears with wound of the mucous membrane of the urethra |
Increased white blood cells in the urethra | The exudative phase of the inflammatory process due to thermal, mechanical, chemical or viral damage to the urethral mucosa |
Succulent | These include a small number of white blood cells, serum fluid, and glandular secretions. This mucus is characterized by active formation at night. One man noticed a pus discharge in the morning and could find yellow dots on his underwear. Mucus discharge occurs when the urethra is affected by bacteria: Trichomonas, ureamycoplasma, chlamydia |
There is pus | These include a large number of leukocytes, urethral epithelium, mucus, and serous fluid. They have a thick consistency and an unpleasant odor. They appear as drops of yellow or green color. Indicates the development of gonococcal urethritis, which is formed against the background of chlamydia and gonorrhea |
The amount of sebum secreted can be both large and small. It can be quite difficult to notice poor lubrication. To do this, you must press on the urethra to get the fluid to drain out of the hole. It dries quickly, forming a film on the membrane of the glans of the penis. The consistency leads to adhesion of the urethral sponges.
The appearance of a secret excreted from the human body announces both normative and deviation. For example, when you have a runny nose or otitis media, the presence of fluid is a sign of the disease. The human reproductive system is much more complex. The electrical discharge in males when stimulated can signal normal health, or conversely, the development of disease.
Should men secrete discharge during sexual stimulation?
In men, the appearance of mucus in the urethra is in some cases a natural and necessary process. When an erection occurs, a clear discharge occurs in the amount of a few drops. These are called preeclampsia, and such physiological phenomena are completely normal.

The amount of mucus secreted is completely dependent on the male body characteristics and must meet certain characteristics to be considered standard. In particular, there must not be too thick, specific color or smell.
The appearance of a secret occurs in the following cases that lead to an erection:
- Masturbate;
- A partner's sexual caresses;
- Think about intimacy.
The frequency of occurrence of this phenomenon also depends on the characteristics of the reproductive system. Some men experience discharges after each stimulation, others observe them extremely rarely.
From the point of view of medical experts, the appearance of secretions during sexual stimulation promotes conception - it acts as a supplementary conductor for sperm during fertilisation and lowers concentration. acidity in a woman's vagina, which destroys sperm. . Accordingly, secretions from the genital organs are actively involved in the fertilization process and are considered to be a significant mechanism of action of the male reproductive system.
Why is this happening?
Doctors have not yet fully determined the cause of fluid leakage from the penis, however, it has been shown that the secretion of lubricant in men during sex helps to facilitatebeneficial for getting out of the head of the reproductive organs from the folds without injury or damage. It is necessary to carefully observe the hygiene of the intimate area, the secreted fluid is an excellent breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria.
It is important to note that prolonged abstinence causes more secretions, and the composition of the secretions becomes thicker and cloudy. It is necessary to ensure that there is no color change, no blood streaks, unpleasant odors. Some doctors believe that the appearance of discharge occurs because the body is preparing for intimacy with a woman.
Pathological discharge can appear for various reasons:
- The diet is not suitable, namely the use of sour, spicy, and pickled foods;
- Inflammatory processes caused by pathogenic bacteria;
- venereal diseases;
- At the same time complications after surgery or trauma;
- Cancer diseases.
Types of secretions
Some types of discharge are normal, as long as they are not accompanied by additional signs.

However, if one factor is causing a specific odor, itching, fever, or soreness in the groin or penis, this is a cause for concern and a urologist should be contacted.
Types of discharges related to the rating
It is perfectly normal and natural that three kinds of secrets are produced and released.
- Increased urethral fat secretion. A secret has a lubricating function. It looks like a transparent, odorless consistency liquid. Appear in small volume, no inconvenience. It contains a small amount of sperm, however, if sex is not safe, your partner can get pregnant;
- Spegma. The bile is white, sometimes slightly yellow in color, often with an unpleasant odor. Fluid secretion is provided by glands located under the foreskin. Her appearance does not indicate pathology, but indicates that the man neglects the rules of personal hygiene;
- Sperm. Viscous white liquid. Ejaculation occurs from the urethra during orgasm. Contains a high percentage of sperm and secretions.
Secretions containing mucus
Usually indicates the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases. In case the bile increases in viscosity but is still transparent, it is likely to have the following diseases:
In addition, the disease is confirmed by the presence of a high white blood cell count in blood tests.
The milky white mucus lumps with pus streaks are accompanied by diseases such as:
In the presence of these pathologies, fluid can also be secreted in a calm state, after which it sticks to the tip of the penis and dries up.
Evidence of gonorrhea. The resulting liquid is yellow, greenish, and has an unpleasant odor. The mixture is thick and sticky. When analyzing the secret, a significant level of leukocytes is detected.
Discharge during inflammation
Inflammatory diseases that change the composition of secretions are caused by:
- Capacitors;
- coli;
- Candida fungi;
- Inter bridge.
When you have non-gonococcal urethritis - inflammation in the urethral canal, the discharge is characterized by:
- Turbidity and stickiness;
- The presence of mucus;
- Beneficial content.
Accompanied by pain, discomfort, itching.
Inflammation of the foreskin is characterized by a profuse discharge containing a lot of pus. There is redness, swelling, severe pain.
Prostatitis is characterized by the secretion of mucus with pus. Additional symptoms - pain, decreased erectile function, frequent urge to empty the bladder.
To identify candidiasis, it is enough just to study the photo, which reveals its secret feature. It has a cheesey consistency, this fungus is accompanied by redness of the glans penis, unbearable itching.
Discharge with blood
Secrets containing blood need the most careful attention. Similar signs show:
- Infectious diseases, namely chronic infectious urethritis;
- Injury to the urethral canal during medical procedures;
- Removal of sand and stones from the kidneys, to a greater extent, blood can be noticed when urinating;
- Malignant formations in the prostate, ovaries, genitals. In this case, the discharge is brown or dark blood, often in the form of a blood clot.
Norm or deviation?
A clear sign of pathology is the appearance of mucus, pus, discoloration, fishy or sour odor, sticky or cloudy appearance.
- Medium density;
- Transparency;
- Missing smell.
With slight variations in color and consistency, it is important to analyze:
- Private sex life, presence or absence of casual and unprotected relationships;
- Factors that contribute to a decrease in the protective functions of the body;
- Possible changes to the regular menu;
- Presence of comorbidities.
Do I need to see a doctor?
An immediate visit to the doctor requires a secret like no other for a man. Any change in the texture and color of the liquid requires testing to identify the factors that led to the violation.

Diagnostic measures include:
- sperm chart;
- A stain from the urethral canal;
- Ultrasound examination of the organs of the genitourinary system;
- Collect urine samples for meta-analysis;
- Clinical blood test.
Based on the results of the diagnosis, a therapeutic regimen for the underlying pathology that causes the appearance of pathological exudates is prescribed. Ignoring such signs leads to poor health and chronic disease that is difficult to treat. Timely examination with a urologist will help you quickly fight the disease and maintain your health in the long run.
Preejaculation (pre-semen, or Cooper's fluid) is a clear, colorless, viscous pre-ejaculatory fluid that is secreted from the urethra of a man's penis when he is sexually aroused. Pre-ejaculation is inevitable during human sexual intercourse. This secret is also secreted by a man during masturbation, in preparation for intercourse (e. g. caressing), or in the early stages of intercourse, some time before the man orgasms. completely and ejaculate.
Origin of money cum
The preeclampsia is formed mainly by the anal glands (Cooper glands), as well as the Litre glands.
The Littre glands are an additional site for the formation of the antecubitals. These are the grape-shaped tubular alveolar glands of the urethra, located along its entire length, from the external foramen to the bladder neck, in the submucosa, fibromuscular and connective tissue. They secrete and excrete mucus, which increases with sexual stimulation. Along with the secretion of the Cooper's glands, the secretion of the Littre's glands also acts to moisten the urethra, maintaining a favorable alkalinization reaction for the sperm during their passage through the urethra.
Amount of secretion before ejaculation
The amount of pre-testicular fluid secreted by men varies widely among individuals. Some men do not excrete the hymen, while in others its volume is up to 5 ml. Seeds contain certain chemicals found in seeds, such as acid phosphatase. And some seed markers, such as gamma-glutamyltransferase, are not present in the seed at all.
Function implemented by preseeding
The acidic environment of the male urethra and female vagina is hostile to male semen. Precursor needles have the effect of neutralizing the residual acid in the urethra created by urine, creating a more favorable environment for the movement of seeds. Normally, the vaginal environment is acidic; The introduction of sperm before ejaculation can change the vaginal environment to facilitate the survival of the offspring. Preum can collect residual semen in the urethra from previous ejaculations. The hymen does not act as a lubricant during intercourse, but facilitates sperm movement through the tube during ejaculation, and participates in the coagulation of seeds.
Risks associated with prior isolation
Studies have shown the presence of HIV in the majority of prenatal samples from HIV-infected men. Infection with the immunodeficiency virus leads to HIV infection, the final stage of which is known as AIDS. Many also expressed concern that sperm could not be found in the prior semen and therefore could not induce pregnancy, taking this fact against the use of interrupted intercourse (penectomy) as acontraceptive method. No large-scale studies have been done to determine the amount of sperm in the hymen, but a few small studies have shown that sperm is present in the hymen. It is also possible that the anterior portion of the semen ejaculated after a recent ejaculation will contain sperm, since after orgasm there is always some ejaculation in the ducts.
Increase prepubertal formation
Some men worry about the amount of semen they produce before they produce it. One physician described a patient who was confused by the fact that vestibular substance seeped through his pants during kissing and other mild erotic stimuli. Several reports have shown positive results when such men were treated with 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. In such cases, a physician recommends the differential diagnosis of prostatic hyperplasia, an exercise-related prostatic discharge associated with urination or defecation.
religious attitude
For Sunni Muslims, the corresponding elimination of presemen during sleep entails performing a purification ritual.